Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Starting Again

Okay, so I've obviously been horrible about keeping this blog up, but I figure that's excusable because of the pressure of my last semester of college. From this point on, however, I plan on exerting some effort to keep it going on a regular basis.

Besides having a few halfway completed posts from last year that I'd like to finish (one on the problems of artsongs, for example), I plan on keeping a Paris Cinema blog - pairing my thoughts on films I've viewed with images of the cinemas the films are shown in. This city is home to a remarkable number of cinemas, and I would love to explore them more comprehensively than I have. Perhaps the best thing about them is the range of what plays here: aside from new releases (of which Paris has one of the best selections in the world), there are always several retrospectives going on and always at least a few restored prints circling around. This blog will at the very least give me the excuse to keep track of all that.

And there's plenty to be frustrated with missing. Already I missed the tail end of the Atom Egoyan retrospective at the Pompidou - just for not paying enough attention. And the Cinematheque Francaise is running a Preston Sturges retrospective in July, so I don't want to miss that.

Well, that's the plan. I'm going to try to go see Robert Aldrich's "The Choirboys" (1977) (know to the French as "Bande de flics") at the Cinematheque tomorrow, so we'll see from there.

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